THE FORTY-SECOND ALABAMA INFANTRY, C.S.A. (extracted from The Official Records) Prepared and submitted by Carolyn Cooper vvvvv The Forty-Second Alabama Infantry was organized at Columbus, Mississippi, during May, 1862. A substantial number of the officers and enlisted men of the unit were veterans of various twelve-month terms of service units. Slightly more than seven hundred officers and enlisted men were mustered into service as members of the regiment, mainly from the counties of Conecuh, Fayette, Marion, Mobile, Monroe, Pickens, Talladega and Wilcox. Like most Civil War units the Forty-Second Alabama Infantry was often known by an alternate designation derived from the name of its commanding officer. Names of this type used by the regiment are shown below: John W. Portis' Infantry William C. Fergus' Infantry Thomas C. Lanier's Infantry Robert K. Wills' Infantry Allen B. Knox's Infantry Robert Best's Infantry George W. Foster's Infantry William D. McNeill's Infantry Upon being mustered into service the regiment was ordered to Tupelo, Mississippi. There it served on Provost duty until joining the Army of West Tennessee: vvvvvvv Headquarters District of Tennessee, Guntown, Miss., September 11, 1862 Colonel Commanding Forty-Second Alabama Regt.: COLONEL: You will put your regiment in marching order tomorrow so that it may move thoroughly armed and with three days' rations, cooked, on the morning of the 13th instant. The officers at the post have been ordered to fill your requisitions promptly. You will send your wagons forward with your baggage to or near the point at which the Tupelo and Saltillo road intersects the Saltillo and Bay Springs road, and move your men by railway to Saltillo as early as possible the next morning, so that you may overtake your wagons and make a full day's march on the 13th. From Saltillo you will follow the road taken by Maury's division, which you will join without any unnecessary delay and report your command to General Maury, who will assign it in Moore's brigade. If the militia do not arrive in time to permit you to leave on the 13th, or if any other unforeseen circumstances shall prevent you from leaving Tupelo on that day, you will leave as soon thereafter as possible, sending forward meanwhile a courier to General Maury to advise him of the detention. You will also, if the quartermaster can provide transportation, take at least two days' cooked rations in your wagons. The cooked rations may be carried, either on the persons or in the wagons. The general directs me to call your attention the great importance of your overtaking his army at the earliest possible moment. The two companies of artillery from Columbus will march with you as attached to your regiment until you join the army, when they will report to the major-general commanding. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Thos. L. Snead, Assistant Adjutant-General vvvvvvv Moore's Brigade Brig. Gen. John C. Moore (Texas) 42nd Alabama 15th Arkansas 23rd Arkansas 35th Mississippi 2nd Texas Bledsoe's Battery The regiment was on the roster of Confederate troops at the Battle of Corinth on October 3, 4 and 5, 1862, where they are shown in Moore's Brigade, Maury's Division, Price's Corps (Army of the West), Army of West Tennessee: vvvvvvv Headquarters Moore's Brigade, Maury's Division, Army of the West Camp, Lumpkin's Mill, near Holly Springs, Miss. Oct. 13, 1862 SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by this brigade in the actions of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th instant: The brigade was composed of the following regiments, to wit, Second Texas, Col. W.P. Rogers; Lyles' Arkansas regiment, Lieut. Col. Pennington; Boone's regiment, Arkansas Volunteers, Lieut. Col. Boone; Thirty-Fifth Mississippi Volunteers, Col. William S. Barry; Forty-Second Alabama Volunteers, Col. John W. Portis; and Bledsoe's battery, Capt. H.M. Bledsoe, making five regiments and one battery. Total effective strength about 1, 892. On the morning of the 3rd we formed in line of battle near the road leading from Pocahantas to Corinth and distant about half a mile from the enemy's outer works. Our brigade here occupied the right of the line formed by Maury's division, our right resting on the Mobile and Ohio road, and Lovell's, our right, beyond the road. Soon Lovell's forces engaged the enemy, and our brigade was ordered forward across a corn field to their support, with instructions to halt on reaching the timber on the opposite side and await further orders. On reaching the point designated, a part of the Second Texas and one company of the Thirty-Fifth Mississippi were thrown forward as skirmishers and were at once engaged with the enemy's sharpshooters, when thy were driven back into their entrenchments. We here lost a few men and Maj. W.C. Timmins, of the Second Texas, commanding the skirmishers, was wounded. We were now ordered forward to assault the enemy's works. We advanced in a well preserved line of battle, considering the difficulties of the ground, and on reaching the fallen timber in front of the enemy's entrenchments we charged and carried the enemy's works with but little opposition, except on our left, where the Forty-Second Alabama was exposed to heavy fire, though their loss in killed and wounded was but 8 or 10, including one officer. This regiment advanced with remarkable steadiness, this being their first engagement. Advancing about a fourth of a mile, we were halted to form a junction with Lovell's forces, which we failed to do. Our skirmishers again soon engaged the enemy and were driven back on our lines, which led to a severe but short engagement, in which we soon routed the enemy and drove them from their position. Here an unfortunate mistake was committed; the Forty-Second Alabama firing on our skirmishers, mistaking them for the enemy, killing and wounding several officers and men. At this time a cannonading was kept up at some distance to our right from a strong work of the enemy about 200 yards south of the Memphis and Charleston railroad. Being now reinforced by Colonels Johnson's and Dockery's (Arkansas) regiments, we changed direction to the right, throwing forward the left wing, and moved in the direction of the firing. We soon reached the railroad, having our line of battle nearly parallel to it, and on crossing the enemy opened on us a most terrific fire from the brow of a hill not more than 75 yards distant. The enemy opposed us with a heavy force, being formed in two lines, the front lying on the ground and the other firing over them. This awful fire staggered us but for a moment, and as soon as our line was steadied a little we charged, drove them from their position, and carried their works, capturing a few prisoners, and taking a large camp, with their supplies of commissary and quartermasters stores. On discovering our approach the enemy removed and saved their guns. This we found to be a strong work, in a fine position, and well constructed. From the position we judged this to be the point from which a cannonading had been kept up during the day. Being now separated from our division and night approaching (between 3 and 4 o'clock), we dispatched Lieutenant McFarland to report to General Maury our success and ask for orders. In the course of half an hour General Lovell and staff came up, and on consultation we agreed to form a line of battle perpendicular to the railroad, our left resting on the road and advance toward Corinth. In about an hour his force came up and moved to our right. At about dark, while waiting for a notification from General Lovell to advance, which he said he would give when ready, we received orders from General Maury to rejoin the division and take position on Phifer's right, which brought us on the hill in sight of Corinth about an hour and a half after dark, where we slept on our arms until morning. At early dawn on the morning of the 4th, batteries having been placed in front of lines to open fire on Corinth, the brigade was moved by the left flank and places in rear of Phifer, sheltered by timber in front. When the firing from the batteries ceased we moved forward and took position obliquely to the right and front of Phifer. Our skirmishers were again thrown forward, and kept up a sharp fire with the enemy until about 10 o'clock. We had been previously notified by General Maury that we would advance with Hebert's division and make the attack on our left, our brigade being supported by Cabell's on our right and Phifer's on our left. About 10 o'clock the firing on our left became heavy and we at once gave the command forward, sending Lieut. McFarland to notify General Maury of our advance movement. We had not gone 100 yards before the enemy seemed to discover our designs and at once opened on us, and kept up the severest fire I ever imagined possible to concentrate on one point in front of a fortification, yet we suffered but little, being protected by timber until we reached the fallen timber and open space which extended about 100 yards in front of their works. On reaching this point we charged and carried the enemy's works the whole extent of our line and penetrated to the very heart of Corinth, driving the enemy from house to house and frequently firing in at the windows and driving them our. The enemy were driven from the breastworks in great confusion, leaving their guns, some with teams still hitched, while others had their horses cut loose and ran off. Our men brought off two or three horses which they found hitched in the streets near the Corinth House, their owners being absent. The Forty-Second Alabama, from their position in line were brought in front of a strong bastion, the walls of which they found too high to scale, but rushing to the embrasures, they fired three or four volleys, driving the enemy from their guns, and then entering the works, mounted the parapet and planted their flag on the walls. After entering the works we found ourselves opposed by an overwhelming force, and being without support and our lines broken and disordered in the assault, we had no alternative left but to fall back, which was done. Our loss in this assault was very severe. Three of the five regimental commanders were either killed or wounded. I can bear testimony to the coolness and gallantry with which our men and officers made this assault. I do not believe that any troops ever displayed greater courage in so desperate a charge. This was our last engagement in the vicinity of Corinth. Our division being re-formed, we fell back on the road to Pocahantas and bivouacked for the night. At an early hour on the morning of the 5th our brigade was ordered to the front to act as advance guard. When within 2 or 3 miles of Davis' Bridge, across the Hatchie, we received orders to push forward, across the bridge, form line of battle on the right of the road, and then advance, take, and hold the heights at Metamora, which command the crossing of Davis' Bridge. We pushed forward with all possible dispatch, but, the men being greatly exhausted and weak for want of food and the previous two days' marching and hard service, when we reached the crossing and formed line, we did not have more than 250 to 300 men in ranks. We formed on the right, opposite the battery established by Major Burnet on the left of the road. As soon as we were filing off to the right the enemy's batteries opened on us from the hill at Metamora. The Second Texas, being in the rear, was cut off by this fire and did not form in line with the other regiments. Our position was not in a narrow strip of woods with open fields in front and rear, that in front extended up to the enemy's position. We had been ordered to advance with our left on the road, which would have carried us through an open field up to the very muzzles of the enemy's guns. Being now satisfied that the hill was occupied in force and to advance with our small force would only prove its total annihilation, we dispatched Lieut. McFarland to the rear for re-enforcements and to report to the general commanding that we not only could neither advance without assistance nor hold our position. During this time the enemy continued to pour a heavy fire into the battery and the woods occupied by our line, in which we lost several men killed and wounded. The batteries being soon withdrawn the enemy now gave us their whole attention, but we still held our position until they reached the left flank and poured into us a most destructive fire. This threw our line into some confusion, but rallying we moved to the left, faced the enemy, and opened on them. We had not fired more than two or three rounds before a perfect shower of balls was poured into our right flank from the direction of the corn field which was at first in our front. I am satisfied that this fire came from a line which had previously formed in the field and concealed by lying down in the grass and corn. We now saw that we must either fall back or be surrounded. The order was given, and the bridge being now swept by the enemy's fire, the men crossed at such points of the stream as they found most convenient. In crossing many of them lost their guns. This means of crossing caused the men to become much scattered, but as they were collected they joined Phifer's and Cabell's brigades and continued the fight. Our loss at the bridge was considerable, making the entire loss of the brigade during the three days very heavy, as will be seen by the casualty report. It is impossible at present to make an accurate report of the killed, wounded and missing, as the Thirty-Fifth Mississippi dispersed after the fight at Davis' Bridge, there being now present but some 40 men and 1 line officer - Lieutenant Henry. From the best information we can obtain we are assured that many of the officers and men have gone to their homes. This conduct on their part is astonishing and unaccountable, for the regiment acted nobly and did good service during the three days' fighting. It is to be regretted that its commander, Colonel Barry, was not present on the 5th, he having been sent to Corinth under flag of truce, to bury the dead. He is a gallant and efficient officer, of whom his State may well be proud. Without a single exception to our knowledge, the officers, one and all, did their duty nobly during the several engagements. If I mention one in this connection I must mention all or do injustice. Corpl. J.A. Going of the Forty-Second Alabama, deserves particular notice. He was color-bearer, and though shot down, he gallantly bore the flag through the fight on the 4th. Private Morgan of Company H, Boone's regiment, is reported as having acted with great gallantry. The flag of Lyle's regiment was torn into tatters by the enemy's shots, and when last seen the color-bearer, Herbert Sloans, of Company D, was going over the enemy's works waving a piece over his head and shouting for the Southern Confederacy. I am, Captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Jno. C. Moore, Brigadier-General Commanding Brigade CASUALTY REPORT OCT. 3-5, 1862 Forty-Second Alabama 11 enlisted men wounded 6 officers missing or captured 352 enlisted men captured or missing 369 aggregate casualties (Another report states that there were 98 killed and 250 captured or wounded.) A footnote to the report, signed by General Dabney Maury, reads: "I believe many of the missing have straggled and will return to their commands." vvvvvvv The regiment next appears on a roster dated October 20, 1862, and is listed in Maury's Division, Army of the West. On April 1, 1863, the regiment is listed in the Second Brigade, Maury's Division. From late October 1862 until mid-May 1863, the regiment participated in a number of various engagements, including operations on the Mississippi Central Railroad from Bolivar, Tennessee to Coffeeville, Mississippi [Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign], the Forty Hills skirmish and the battle at Hankinson's Ferry, Mississippi. vSIEGE OF VICKSBURGv MAY 18 - JULY 4, 1863 Just prior to the siege of Vicksburg the regiment is shown in Moore's Brigade, Forney's Division: MOORE'S BRIGADE 37th Alabama, Col. J.F. Dowdell 40th Alabama, Col. John H. Higley 42nd Alabama, Col. John W. Portis 1st Mississippi Light Artillery (Companies A,C,D,E,G,I), Col. Wm. T. Withers 35th Mississippi, Lieut. Col. C.R. Johnson 40th Mississippi, Col. W.B. Colbert 2nd Texas, Col. Ashbel Smith Alabama Battery, Capt. H.H. Sengstak Pointe Coupee [Louisiana] Artillery, Co. B, Capt. Wm. A. Davidson vvvvvvv Headquarters Division May 25, 1863 MAJOR: I have the honor to report briefly the operations of yesterday along my line: At dawn the enemy opened his usual sharpshooting, and a little later opened from his batteries also; the fire from both, however, was much reduced. On the left, the enemy was busy throwing up entrenchments, and in front of the works on the Jackson road, they pushed the sap to within 20 feet of the works. A few hand grenades made them desist. The Second Texas Regiment, of Moore's Brigade, had, up to the morning of the 24th, collected from its front eighty-three stand of arms, and the Forty-Second Alabama, five. Most of them were Enfield rifles. They also obtained about 9,000 rounds of cartridges and 1,500 caps. Casualties - In Moore's brigade, wounded, 8 enlisted men. In Hebert's brigade, killed, 2 enlisted men; wounded, 1 officer and 1 enlisted men. I am, Major, very respectfully, Jno. H. Forney, Major-General Commanding vvvvvvv Headquarters, Moore's Brigade, Forney's Division Vicksburg, July 8, 1863 SIR: I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by my brigade during the siege of Vicksburg: The brigade during this time was composed of the Second Texas, Thirty-Fifth and Fortieth Mississippi, the Thirty-Seventh, Fortieth, and Forty-Second Alabama, Sengstak's and Tobin's light batteries, and a portion of Landis', Ridley's, Davidson's and Wall's batteries; in all, nineteen guns. An 18-pounder Parrott and a Whitworth gun were placed during the siege in rear of my line, and commanded by Captain J.J. Cowan. On the evening of May 17, we were ordered to fall back from the position we occupied with the brigade and two batteries on the Warrenton Road, and took position in the trenches near Vicksburg, the right resting on the Jackson railroad and the left extending to near what is known as the Jackson Road. We found the trenches and redoubts in a very imperfect state, the trenches being too narrow and shallow. By working at night with the small number of tools in our possession, we soon greatly improved them; also constructed approaches which seem to have been overlooked or deemed unnecessary. On the morning of May 19, the enemy engaged and drove in our pickets. At about 11 a.m. their skirmishers and artillery appeared in front of our entrenchments. From this time to the close of the siege [47 days] our men were confined to the trenches night and day under fire of musketry and artillery, which was often kept up during the whole night as well as during the day. Only those who were a near witness of the siege of Vicksburg will ever have a true conception of the endurance and suffering of these men, who stood at their posts until overpowered, not by the enemy, but by the wants of nature. Those who only think and read of the siege, and those who witnessed it and shared its trials, may perhaps form widely different conceptions of its nature. Some idea may be formed of the artillery fire to which we were exposed, when I state that a small party sent out for that purpose collected some two thousand shells near and in rear of the trenches occupied by the brigade. This was soon after the siege began, and was but a portion of those that failed to explode. On arriving in our front, the enemy began at once to place their guns under cover and to construct rifle-pits. No attempt was made to carry our lines by assault until May 22. On the morning and afternoon of that day, they made determined assaults, but were gloriously repulsed. Their greatest efforts were made against that portion of the line occupied by that veteran and gallant regiment, the Second Texas. This regiment was nobly supported by the Forty-Second Alabama, occupying the trenches on the right, and the Thirty-Seventh Alabama on the left. Tobin's and other guns did good service. They were easily repulsed in the morning, but in the afternoon charge they were more determined, coming up and even into the Second Texas redoubt. The second Texas captured two stands of colors. Having failed to carry our works by assault, the enemy now appeared to determine not to attempt it again, but to take us by regular approaches, or by starving us out, which doubtless they regarded the most certain and agreeable mode, as they did not assault again, even after they had constructed three lines of entrenchments in front of a great portion of our line, and had sapped to within 30 feet of the Second Texas' works and constructed rifle-pits to within 30 paces of the same. From May 22 to the close of the siege July 4, the history of each day was generally but that of the preceding. I cannot speak too highly of the conduct of the officers and men. None ever endured such hardships with more cheerfulness. When their allowance was reduced to nearly one-fourth rations, some complaints might have been heard, not that more was not issued, but that we had it not to give. By this time their minds and bodies seemed exhausted, and many remained at their posts in the trenches who were subjects for the hospitals. Only those who have tried it can tell the efforts produced on men by keeping the forty-seven days in a narrow ditch, exposed to the scorching heat during the day and the often chilly air and dews of night. In compliance with instructions received during the early part of the siege, we used our ammunition with a strict regard to economy. This enabled the enemy to approach more rapidly and with greater impunity than they otherwise could have done. They had two or three times the guns as we, and generally of much heavier caliber. Many of their shots passed through and through our parapets. Being very near our works, their sharpshooters and artillery rendered it frequently impossible to fire more than a few rounds during the day, four if our cannoneers were not shot down or pieces disabled. Their artillery soon filled the embrasures with earth, so that the guns could not be used until night enabled us to repair the works. Our loss in killed and wounded was as follows: killed, 72; wounded, 385; total 457. A number of the wounded have died in hospital and are not included in the killed above report. List of killed and wounded has been furnished. Very respectfully, your obedient servant. Jno. C. Moore, Brigadier-General Losses by the Forty-Second Alabama Infantry at Vicksburg: 3 officers killed 17 enlisted men killed 4 officers wounded 78 enlisted men wounded 102 aggregate casualties vvvvvvv The regiment was serving in the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana at the time of the fall of Vicksburg on July 4, 1863. They appear next on a roster dated August 29, 1863 in the Army of Vicksburg, Exchange Camp, Demopolis, Alabama. After the surrender, prisoner exchange and parole, they were assigned to the Army of Tennessee and are shown in Moore's Brigade, Cheatham's Division, Hardee's Corps on September 30, 1863. At this time the brigade was comprised of the 37th Alabama, 40th Alabama, 42nd Alabama, 1st Tennessee Heavy Artillery, Emanuel's Alabama Battery and Sengstak's Alabama Battery. From September 24 through November 23, 1863, the regiment participated in the Siege of Chattanooga; the Campaign of Chattanooga and Ringgold, Tennessee; engagements at Orchard Knob and Indian Hill, Tennessee; and the assault and capture of Missionary Ridge, Tennessee. The roster shows the brigade as follows: MOORE'S BRIGADE 37th Alabama, Lieut.-Col. Green 40th Alabama, Colonel Higley 42nd Alabama, Lieut.-Col. Lanier Forty-Second Alabama Casualties - Tennessee Campaign: 1 enlisted man killed 7 enlisted men wounded 1 officer missing or captured 37 enlisted men missing or captured 46 aggregate casualties vvvvvvv The Federal Report of Col. Nodine, commanding the Twenty-Fifth Illinois Infantry, Chattanooga Campaign: At 3p.m., when the signal was given for a general advance, the skirmish line was pushed forward, and the enemy's works at the bottom of the hill carried. The battle-flag of the Forty-Second Alabama Regiment, and a number of prisoners captured. R.H. Nodine, Colonel Commanding Regiment vvvvvvv The unit is shown on a roster dated December 10, 1863. Its higher command is unchanged. They are listed in a Consolidated Report dated December 14, 1863: 42nd Alabama, Lieut. Col. Thomas Lanier 248 effective total 311 total present 676 aggregate present and absent 247 number of arms 80 rounds of ammunition per man On rosters dated December 31, 1863 and January 20, 1864, the higher command is unchanged. In a report outlining the regiment's activities during the period of February 22 -26, 1864, Moore's Brigade is commanded by Col. John H. Higley: vvvvvvv Headquarters, Moore's Brigade February 28, 1964 MAJOR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by this brigade in the resent operations: The brigade was formed in line of battle on the evening of the 23rd instant, the left resting on the railroad and the line extending along the ridge northwardly and connecting with General Gibson's brigade on the right. The brigade consisted of three regiments [the 37th, 40th and 42nd Alabama Volunteers], having in line 63 officers and 970 men. On the evening of the 24th instant, the enemy appeared in our front and there was some picket skirmishing, but no loss on our side. On the 25th instant, the enemy appeared in our front and opened several pieces of artillery on our lines, but only 1 man was wounded by it. Our pickets, however, were engaged and 3 men wounded. During the afternoon the enemy made an advance to the right of our line and in front of General Stovall's brigade, General Gibson's brigade having been withdrawn from the line and placed in reserve. They were repulsed with considerable loss, the artillery on our line and our sharpshooters doing effective service. On the 27th instant, there was little or nothing done on our line. Early in the morning the enemy formed a line to our left and to the right of Breckenridge's division, and there were some moments back and forth of cavalry, but no advance on their part. In the afternoon the brigade was ordered to the front with the other brigades of the division and then returned with them at night, and this morning we returned to our old camp. The total loss is 3 men wounded and 1 man killed. I have no means of estimating the losses of the enemy in our front. Our skirmishers reported that they buried 2 men on the night of the 26th instant, and several more were seen in our advance of yesterday. I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Jno. H. Higley, Colonel, Commanding Brigade vvvvvvv The unit is next mentioned on the roster dated April 30, 1864 in Baker's Brigade, Stewart's Division, Hood's Corps, Army of Tennessee. BAKER'S BRIGADE Brig. Gen. Alpheus Baker 37th Alabama, Lieut. Col. Alexander H. Greene 40th Alabama, Capt. Elbert D. Willett 42nd Alabama, Lieut. Col. Thomas C. Lanier By this time, the regiment was in Georgia and is mentioned on a number of occasions during the Atlanta Campaign. The first of these, dated May 1, 1864, is identical to the above command assignment. vvvvvvv Headquarters Forty-Second Alabama Regiment May 31, 1864 The following report of the part taken by the Forty-Second Alabama Regiment since 7th of May is respectfully submitted: The regiment, in obedience to orders, was drawn up in line on Mill Creek Gap on the 7th of May. In this position it remained without engaging the enemy and without any casualties until the 12th of May, when our position was evacuated, and we took up the line of March for Resaca, where the command arrived on the evening of the 13th. We were immediately placed in position about one mile and a half north of the town on the right of the railroad. About 4:30 o'clock on the evening of the 14th of May the command moved forward and a line of battle formed on the railroad preparatory to charge the enemy. The line being formed, the brigade was ordered to advance, and the command was third to the battalion of direction. The undergrowth through which the regiment marched in line of battle was so thick that it was utterly impossible to keep a perfect line. The regiment on our right, it seemed, obliqued somewhat to the right. This necessarily compelled us to do the same, although the guide was to the left. We soon emerged into an open field, at which place we were exposed to light fire from sharpshooters. Crossing this field and going up a hill the line was again formed, and after a short rest we again moved forward. Through another field we passed, and a battery of the enemy on the opposite hill opened on our column advancing; but pressing forward again with vigor, the enemy was forced to retire and the hill was gained. We pushed on some distance farther, when a halt was ordered, and here again we were exposed to tolerably heavy fire. Night coming on, the men rested on their arms until about 12 o'clock, when we again returned to our position near the railroad. In this charge only 3 were missing and 2 slightly wounded. On the 15th, about 4 o'clock in the evening, we advanced across an old field under fire in a tolerably good line. Reaching the edge of the woods the line seemed to be a little broken or confused, caused no doubt by the woods through which we were passing. The command pressed forward until they got within fifty yards of the enemy, who were in position in a peach orchard. Here we were exposed to a tremendous fire of musketry. We were fighting at a great disadvantage, and this soon becoming evident to the men, they fell back without greater confusion than could be expected under such circumstances. It is deemed necessary to state that in this engagement, Sergeant Richley, of Company G, saved the colors of a Georgia regiment of Stovall's brigade. In this engagement the loss out of 300 officers and men amounted to 5 officers wounded, 2 men killed, 32 wounded, and 14 missing. Rev. J.P. McMullen, a missionary for Baker's brigade, was also among the killed. About 12 o'clock on the night of the 15th we left the breastworks and commenced retreating. The regiment was not engaged any on the retreat but was in line of battle near Adairsville to check the advance of the enemy. The command arrived at New Hope Church on the 25th of May and formed in line of battle. The men soon erected breastworks out of logs, which protected them from the fire of the sharpshooters. On the 26th Lieutenant-Colonel Lanier was severely wounded in the leg and disabled. I then assumed command of the regiment. On the 27th the enemy commenced a very heavy fire upon the part of the line occupied by the Thirty-Seventh Alabama. Two companies of my regiment were sent to reinforce Colonel Greene. Only 2 men were disabled out of Company D. On the 28th about daylight we were relieved in the ditches and sent farther to the right. On the 29th we went into line and erected very strong works on the crest of a hill. On the 30th, Capt. G.H. Gray, of Company H, and Capt. T.C. Mitchell, of Company D, were severely wounded. The loss of the regiment since the 7th of May is as follows: 8 officers wounded, 2 men killed, 35 wounded, and 14 missing; total, 59. W.D. McNeill, Captain, Comdg. Forty-Second Alabama Regiment vvvvvvv In rosters dated June 1, July 1, and July 20, 1864, the regiment is commanded by Captain R.K. Wells, Captain White and Captain W.B. Kendrick respectively. The higher command assignment is unchanged. In a roster dated August 10, 1864, Captain William D. McNeill is again commanding. From May 25 through sometime in August 1864, the regiment remained in Georgia and participated in many engagements in the Atlanta Campaign, including the Siege of Atlanta. From August through December 1864, the regiment appears to have been in Alabama. They participated in operations in Mobile Bay against Forts Morgan and Gaines. Rosters dated November 1 and 20, 1864 indicate the regiment is in Baker's Brigade, Liddell's Division, District of the Gulf, Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana: BAKER'S BRIGADE Brig. Gen. Alpheus Baker 37th Alabama } 40th Alabama } Col. John H. Higley 42nd Alabama } 54th Alabama Capt. Charles C. McCall 3rd Batt. Alabama Reserves } 4th Batt. Alabama Reserves } Lieut. Col. E.M. Underhill 22nd Louisiana } In early 1865 the unit was returned to the Army of Tennessee and assigned to the Campaign of the Carolinas. During this time they participated in the Battles of Bentonville and Averysborough, North Carolina. The regiment is shown in Baker's Brigade, Clayton's Division, Lee's Corps, Army of Tennessee: BAKER'S BRIGADE Brig. Gen. Alpheus Baker 37th Alabama, Capt. T.B. Richards 40th Alabama, Capt. Thomas M. Brunson 42nd Alabama, Capt. William D. McNeill 54th Alabama, Col. John A. Minter The regiment is mentioned for the last time in the Official Records in a roster dated April 9, 1865 in Brantly's Brigade, Hill's Division, Lee's Corps, Army of Tennessee: BRANTLY'S BRIGADE Brig. Gen William F. Brantly 24th Alabama (consolidated 24th, 28th, and 34th Alabama), Col. John C. Carter 37th Alabama (consolidated 37th, 42nd, and 54th Alabama), Col. John A. Minter 24th Mississippi (consolidated 24th, 27th, 29th, 30th, and 34th Miss.), Col. H.W. Williamson 58th North Carolina (consolidated 58th and 60th North Carolina), Lieut. Col. T. Coleman Records indicate that the 42nd Alabama Infantry had been detached from the main body of the Army of Tennessee in early April 1865. They were on duty guarding the Yadkin River Bridge when the news of the surrender was received. Nothing has been found in either official or unofficial sources to show how many members of the unit were still with it when it finally lay down its arms and surrendered on April 26, 1865 at Bennett's House, Durham Station, North Carolina. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv MUSTER ROLL 42nd ALABAMA INFANTRY (These rolls date from May-October 1862) The officers and men who made up the 42nd were, for the most part, from Conecuh, Fayette, Marion, Mobile, Monroe, Pickens, Talladega and Wilcox counties. This roster is taken from very old handwritten lists and is probably incomplete. Occasionally you will find that a name is duplicated, either through a clerical error or because a man was transferred to a different company after his name had been entered in the roster. It is important to remember that these lists are from the very early part of the war and do not include those who joined the CSA at a later date. If you know of any names that should be added or see any misspellings, please contact me so I can make the necessary corrections. Where the entry was either unreadable or questionable it is marked with a ?. Names of privates are listed alphabetically, left to right. COMPANY "A" Capt. George W. Foster 1st Lt. S.S. Gaillard 2nd Lt. J.B. Marshall Brevet 2nd Lt. J.S. Jennings 1st Sgt. G.H. Gray 2nd Sgt. J.W. Brumbley 3rd Sgt. James Crook 4th Sgt. J.L. Miller 5th Sgt. J.F. McCrory 1st Cpl. F. Hixon 2nd Cpl. R.A. Lambert 3rd Cpl. W.H. Hightower 4th Cpl. F.W. Brantly Privates: W.R. Agee? Henry Atkinson G. Bacigalufo? R.H. Baulgman T.D. Black F.P. Bowden G.S. Bradley Allen Bradshaw Charles Busey B.E. Crook T.J. Carter E.G. Clark W.H. Crawford James Daniel Alexander Davis W.W. Davis W.F. Dishon W.J. Donovan W.D. Dunn W. Fleming C. Fonda G.D. Foster Thomas Gaillard M.R. Gibson W.D. Gibson T.H. Goren John Hagaman Tappin? Hagaman J.R. Hall T.R. Hall William Hetherington J.A. Hightower, Jr. J.N. Hinson David Humphrey Joseph Jacobson C.L. Johnson W.H. Jones A. Klisson J. Lambert Madison Lambert William Lee W.C. Loftin H.C. Long R.C. McDonald R.N. McMillan Charles Mass J.L. Mayo M. Miller R.F. Mosley Charles Myer H. Myer C.A. Norman J.V. Osborne Edward Oye Daniel Parkis J.L. Perry J.T. Perry T.W. Portis W.R. Powell D.W. Rankin J.J. Roberts J.M. Roberts J.W. Roberts A. Robertson J.L. Robertson W.J. Robinson John Shaw J.P. Smith J.W. Smith J.R. Sowell T. Sowell James Thames G.W. Thompson W.T. Johnson H.D. Wainwright James Young COMPANY "B" Capt. L.C. Lanier 1st Lt. B.T. Best 2nd Lt. Robert K. Wells 3rd Lt. T.C. Mitchell 1st Sgt. B.B. Salmond 2nd Sgt. John A. Billups 3rd Sgt. Phillip Noland 4th Sgt. Thomas T. Bradford 1st Cpl. K. Bailey 2nd Cpl. Thomas Mobley 3rd Cpl. James A. Goring 4th Cpl. S.S. Boughton Drummer, F.R.A. Shipman Privates: J.W. Baidgers L.D. Bailey C.H. Barham R.O. Billups B.J. Boon R.A. Boon Robert Brown P.C. Bunn R.H. Bunn W.R. Bunnell David B. Buntin R.W. Buntin T.C. Buntin W.H. Burnsides Thomas Campbell Jesse Carmer G.H. Casper M.P. Clanton F.T. Colbert John Coleman J.E. Corder G.W. Cotton J.W. Cotton R.M. Crutchfield J.R. Cunningham Newton Elliott James A. Evans James G. Evans M.L. Gaskin James A. Gibson James C. Gibson W.N. Goin G. Goodloe S.J. Goodwin B.H. Gordon John L. Gray E.V.L. Gregory J.W. Guyton Berry Hales William Holder W.H. Holliman M.D. Hood C.R. Hughes R.L. Hughes John H. Johnson John C.H. Jones R.C. Jones M.M. Kent T.M. Kent John L. King Joseph King James B. Knox Thomas V. Lock M.G. Loftin J.R. Logan Thomas Luke James W. Love John Lyon A.W. McGowen John P. McGowen O.L. McKinstry J.A. Mabry Jasper Massey Thomas Massey J.E. Minshew W.N. Mitchell E.L. Mobley W.V. Munson James Noland R.R. Nuckols(Nickels?) W.H. Orwin W.H. Perry J.R. Reed J.R. Richardson P.T. Richardson W.W. Richardson Alex Rogers Daniel Rogers James G. Sanders P.W. Scott W.J. Spillman W.C. Storey William Thomas Burt Upchurch Calvin Upchurch Eli D. Vance J.T. Wallace M.H. Wallace Benjamin F. Wells R.B. Weston R.G. Wilder J.B. Williams James F. Williams R.B. Williams Robert Williams L.W. Winborne N.H. Woods J. E. Woolfolk COMPANY "C" aka Johnson's Avengers Capt. William D. McNeill 1st Lt. Samuel A. Bonner 2nd Lt. James L. Grace Brevet 2nd Lt. Thomas T. Preston 1st Sgt. Edward C. McWilliams 2nd Sgt. Cassias W. Bodie 3rd Sgt. James M. Carroll 4th Sgt. David T. Owen 5th Sgt. Sterling Brown 1st Cpl. C.L. Thigpen 2nd Cpl. David Flowers 3rd Cpl. Peter W. Parker 4th Cpl. Edward E. Griffith Privates: Ransom Adams Nathaniel Ashley James Bagget Bartley Barr Joseph Benbow William F. Beshea(Bethea?) William Beshea(Bethea?) (May be same person as previous man.) John Burt Thomas Burt Simeon Cannon James M. Colley John W. Colley James L. Cone Levi Corley Richard Colvin William Crawford Henry W. Dailey John Dailey Hugh Dayton John Dayton Charles Dunn? George W. Dunn Benjamin H. Farr John Fife William Finklea Willis Finklea LeBourne Flanagan Green W. Flowers James H. Flowers James B. Foster William Gambler John M. Gandy Henry B. Griffith Thomas Griffith James D. Grimes Willis Haddox James W. Haines Stephen Haines Thomas W. Haines John Hall Gabriel M. Hanks James Harrel Stephen Hawthorne James Helms Calvin Henderson Oliver Henderson Robert Henderson James A. Hinson Joshua Hinson James P. Hobbe(Hibbe?) Madison Holder Hugh B. Johnson Oliver Johnson William Johnson James W. Johnston C. Kyser Daniel Kyser John B. Lamkin(Larkin?) John Lamkin(May be same man as previous entry) James A. McArthur James McClerkin Peter McLachlan John McLeod James McNeill Benjamin Majors William K. Manning Daniel G. Mellard(Mallard?) George W. Melton Noah Mitchell Thomas S. Morris John Overton Cornelius Owen Hugh Owen Robert H. Ravell(Rovell?) James Ray Stephen D. Richardson J. Ridell(?) John B. Sadler George W. Sessions John H. Smoke(?) Robert A. Staples Robert Thompson Benjamin H. Vicke Jeptha Warren John Watson Benjamin Watts William J. Weatherford John Wells William Weston William H. White Samuel B. Woodson William M. Woodson Robert N. Youngblood COMPANY "D" Capt. T.C. Mitchell 1st Lt. Jerome Clanton 2nd Lt. A.W. McGowan Brevet 2nd Lt. M.P. Clanton 1st Sgt. J.A. Gibson 2nd Sgt. S.S. Stanton 3rd Sgt. R.O. Billups 4th Sgt. E. Stanton 5th Sgt. Robert Brown 1st Cpl. J.H. Manley 2nd Cpl. S.S. Boughton 3rd Cpl. L.H. Edney 4th Cpl. J.M. Guyton Privates: M.T. Abbott T. Adams C.H. Barham Robert Barham Robert Beggs J.A. Billups J.E. Billups W.B. Boykin Richard Bridges W.A. Brown J.M. Brownlee J.L. Campbell Thomas Campbell R.M. Crutchfield W.J. Cummings S.R. Dunlap J.M. Elliott Charles Franks W.H. Franks R.J. Galy G.W. Gann N.J. Gay S.E. Gilbert J.A. Gowing J.J. Guyton A.L. Harrington J.W. Homer Israel Hood C.R. Hughes John B. Hughes R.S. Hughes J.C. Jay Robert Jordan W.W. Little A.J. Logan John R. Logan J.L. McGowan O.L. McKinstry Thomas Massey W.N. Mitchell E.C. Mobley E.T. Mobley T.M. Mobley F.G. Mooring R.R. Nicholls D.E. Osborne J.G. Parker John P. Peteet(Poteet?) John Reid Thomas Reid J.R. Richardson W.B. Robbins C.M. Rogers R.N. Ross James Spot(?) J.S. Vaughn Henry Webb R.R. Weston J.B. Williams A.J. Wilson Hiram Wilson J.R. Wilson J.E. Wright COMPANY "E" aka McCulloch's Avengers Capt. J.H. Fields 1st Lt. J.H. Holheim 2nd Lt. T.C. Lipscomb 3rd Lt. R.W. Harris 1st Sgt. J.A. Matthews 2nd Sgt. H.C. Worthington 3rd Sgt. William Cook 4th Sgt. Arthur Halburt 1st Cpl. J. Shirley 2nd Cpl. J. Strickland Privates: G.W. Bailey E.D. Beams H.F. Bishop J.H. Blalack(Blalock?) W.W. Blalack(Blalock?) Thomas Bridges B.K. Bullock David Burch(Bunch?) Samuel Burke William Cockburn James Cook W.T. Cook Robert Dale G.W. Digby Gilbert Dulany Henry Dulany John Dulany William Dulany J.P. Foster John Foster M?. Foster W.M. Franklin ? Fulgrum W.T. Gillentine(Gallentine?) S.P. Glover F.M. Grammar M.C. Grammar G.B. Guess S.D. Guess W.M. Guess F. Halbert Irvin Hall R.W. Harris L. Hendricks T. Hendricks L. Hogan S. Hogan T.J. Holland J.C. Hopper M.W. Howard D.H. James L. James William Johnson L. Jordan J.T. Kirby L.T. Laws R.K. Lee G. Littleton Thomas Loftis P. Lott ? Lussery? J.J. McAllister T. McAllister W.L. McAllister B. McCracken J.A. McKay L.A. McKay T.E. Mobley George Montgomery L. Moore T? Moore T.T. O'Neil W.W. Park J.N. Peacock G. Portis E.G. Ray G.G. Ray J.T. Ray N.G. Ray F.M. Rhyss? J.G. Rhyss? J.C. Robinson T.E. Saint J.P. Sarter(Salter?) J.W. Shipp G. Smith William Spenser Miles Spilder? G. Stephens W.F. Steptoe(Stepton?) J.C. Stone J.C. Stovall J. Strawbridge H. Suggs James Taylor J. Tucker J. Vanderslice G.W. Vaughan H.H. Webb H. Webb R. Webb T. Webb T. Wells Irving Westbrook H.B. Williams B. Williamson W.R. Wooten M.K. Works P.E. Wright COMPANY "F" Capt. James B. Perkins 1st. Lt. Charles Labugan 2nd Lt. George W. Askew Brevet 2nd Lt. Earnest Portis 1st Sgt. John H. Griffin 2nd Sgt. Thomas Saint 3rd Sgt. William Armstrong 4th Sgt. J.B. Merchant 5th Sgt. A. Hawkins 1st Cpl. H. Aldridge 2nd Cpl. G.W. Gosset 3rd Cpl. S.F. Walker 4th Cpl. Reuben Seay Privates: James Aldridge Price Aldridge J.B. Bannister John B. Been John M. Black W.A. Bobbitt Peyton G. Brewer Samuel M. Brown W. Brown W.J. Brown E.J. Church Jacob Clearman A.J. Clour(Cloud?) James A. Coons C. Corder J.C. Corder M.C. Corder H.G. Daniel G.M. Earnest B.F. Edney J.A. Ferguson M.A. Ferguson Calvin Garrison? T.J. Gann Alexander Gilbert G.B. Hawkins W.M. Hawkins Isaac A. Hill J.A. Hogan Gabriel Holladay J. Hopwood J.R. King T.A. King Henry Lindsey Richard Livingston D. Malloy F.A. Malloy H.B. Malloy A.J. Merchant John Miller J.J. Moon Joseph Moon Willis Parker E. Pennington Joseph Pennington P. Pennington John A. Peterson J.M. Pitts James D. Pritchett J.F. Raspberry George W. Roberson W.J. Sanders Littleton Sandlin B.F. Savage J.B. Savage H.R. Shelton J.A. Smith D. Standford W.J. Stanford J.M. Tackett S. Tackett W. Tackett W.M. Tackett Lewis Tanwater James F. Taylor E.F. Turner F.W. Turner John Williams Robert F. Williams T.B. Woods COMPANY "G" Capt. Alexander B. Knox 1st Lt. J.R. Stockdale 2nd Lt. J.M. Huey 3rd Lt. A.J. Richey 1st Sgt. J.A. Dickinson 2nd Sgt. A.T. Porter 3rd Sgt. F.M. Palmer 4th Sgt. M.L. Richey 1st Cpl. P.E. Dickinson 2nd Cpl. L.D. Richey 3rd Cpl. H. Burroughs 4th Cpl. J.H. Hudson Privates: John C. Ables James Arnold Arch Alverson C. Alverson W. Alverson Willis Alverson B.C. Bibby Jacob Bibby Allen Box Henry Box R.R. Box Alfred Braden Alfred Braden H.T. Casper A.R. Clark H. Crosley J.H. Daniel John Dial E.B. Dickinson T. Eason C. English E.M. Gray Griffin Gregory J.F. Ham Henry Harvill F.M. Higgabotham J.A. Hogan D.S. Hurst(Hurse?) R.M. Jones James Keith J.M. Kilpatrick Vincent Lee T.S. Lindsey William Lonegan W.W. McMillum? C? McCrary(McCrory?) J. McCurdy P. McCullars? William McSimon? William Morgan John Merritt? ? Palm(Palmore?) A.W. Porter S.D. Pritchet? J.M.H. Sanders Marshal Savage H. Sheldon H.D. Singleton M. Singleton Wyatt Singleton F.M. Stein Joel Starnes A.S. Stockdale Fletcher Stone Thomas Summers Wyatt Taylor Philip Thomas Joseph Thomkens? J.H. Tucker H.M. Weathers P. Westin Benjamin Worthington Robert Worthington COMPANY "H" aka Hinson's Guards Capt. W.B. Kemp 1st Lt. E.G. Riley 2nd Lt. A.D. Anderson 1st Sgt. Hugh Rankin 2nd Sgt. W.W. Riley 3rd Sgt. William Mims 4th Sgt. Chapman Falkenberry 5th Sgt. T. McGlenn 1st Cpl. B.M. Burns 2nd Cpl. Williamson Henderson 3rd Cpl. Daniel Ross 4th Cpl. S. Jordan Privates: P. Aldridge William Bailey DeKalb Biven(s) J.U. Black Thomas Bolton M. Booker Jasper Bozeman Martin Braxton William Carter A.H. Chappell W.J. Chappell James D. Cooper P.M. Crutchfield John M. Dudley W. Farish W. Fergus James E. Fore Thomas M. Fore W.M. Griffith Daniel M. Grimes H.A. Hazell John M. Heatherington Thomas Herrin J.F. Heston F.J. Hewitt? William M. Hicks Angus Hines Hudson Hines J.W. Hogg C.A. Johnson Thomas Lambert F.M. McCord J.E. McCord H.H. McGuire S.S. McLean A.A. McMillan Charles B. McNeil William Mims, Jr. H.E. Parker William Pearce J. Pearlman? Calvin Powell J.U. Pitts William Pridgeon D.I. Prude M. Purvis James Railford? E.E. Rains R.B. Rankin James Remley W.W. Riley Henry Roberts A.C. Robertson George Ryals Kindred Salter S. Shaw A.J. Smith Benjamin Smith M.S. Stacey William M. Stokes F. Turner James R. Vickers Weedom Waters Jeremiah Willis COMPANY "I" Capt. Charles Briggs 1st Lt. John W. Haley 2nd Lt. Richard C. Reeder 3rd Lt. George Bragg 1st Sgt. I.S. Getts? 2nd Sgt. Edward Johnson 3rd Sgt. Theodore H. Cox 4th Sgt. V. Langlois 5th Sgt. P.D. Carr 1st Cpl. W.H. Kennedy 2nd Cpl. George W. Larimer 3rd Cpl. James B. Higley 4th Cpl. Jasper Daniels Drummer Fred Landry Privates: Rudolph Bain? J.F. Beckham Oliver Bowen John D. Chaffin? Martin Collins M. Conway James Cox William Cox Benjamin Craig Jasper Daniel William Daniel A.B. Dean J.A. DeMiller John B. Dennis Peter Dietrich J.B. Dobson W.G. Donovan Florence Dougan William Egan Newton Fitz D.C. Forbes George Foster John Foster James Gillam A.P. Girard Oscar O. Girard M.F. Goodloe John G. Griffin Robert Hawkins James D. Hines J.D. Holden John Horricks William T. Jones F. Landry(Lantry?) Lazarus Lewis Richard Lewis J.P. Lott Russell McCord William McGuire L. Neill J.C. Nunnallee Henry Penner? Joseph Penauch? Earnest Portis Thomas Portis Augustus Premo R.H. Rasberry W.C. Rasberry James C. Reynolds P.R. Rives James Rooney J.E. Ross Thomas Ryan George H. Smith Robert Smith William Spencer John Sullivan W.E. Sutton S.M. Swain Thomas B. Swain John Taggart Joseph Taylor James Thompson Hamilton G. Turner James S. Vanderslice J.E. Walker James E. Waters H.D. Webster NOTE: At the time of the War Between the States penmanship was such that the written letter "J" closely resembled the written letter "I". To avoid confusion, the letter "J" was rarely used to identify a military company; thus, the naming of the companies skipped from I to K. COMPANY "K" Capt. C.F. Condrey 1st Lt. John Landon 2nd Lt. A.J. Northington Brevet 2nd Lt. R.B. Rivers 1st Sgt. W.R. Carns 2nd Sgt. James Lindsay 3rd Sgt. Thomas Kennedy 5th Sgt. James T. Jones 1st Cpl. Henry Lester 2nd Cpl. G.A. Stone 3rd Cpl. H.F. Pollard 4th Sgt. H.E. Riggs Privates: Wilborn Alford T. Arthur A.J. Ballard J.W. Ballard J.B. Barnes J.M. Baron? J.W. Barrow J.J. Bell(Belo?) R.D. Bethea? B.W. Burroughs J.A. Burroughs T.S. Burroughs Aaron Cantrell? Reuben Cantrell? Thomas Carpenter John Cashion Jessie Davis M.F. Decanter? Joseph Downs S. Duke W.J. Dunham Richard Dupre R.B. Files F.M. Finch A.T. Goggins (Albert Teague Goggans) C.M. Goggins (Carey Martin Goggans) John Goggins Lewis Hartsfield K. Hearns F.C. Hinson S. Houghman George Jaggers Jacob Jeffreys Thomas Jeffreys B.F. Jones J.B. Jones John Lewis William Lewis Lafayette Lockridge R.A. McDonald John McDougal T.R. McCarley W.T. Martin L. Mise(Mase?) J.E. Mise J.L. Moore Ambrose Myers Willis Myers M. Nix Tim? Nolen Levi Northington W.J. Northington P.A. Parker William Patterson George Radlen? J.D. Reid T.J. Riggs George Robi(n)son J.T. Roper A. Seay William Shotts William Simpson B.M. Smith T.L. Smith W. Smith J.W. Steed? F.M. Stone W.T. Stone J.S. Stuart Joseph Sweat Robert Tarver William Taylor E. Thompson B.A. Todd E.W. Waldrup James Weeks L.B. West P.M. Widdington J.M. Woolright J.W. Woolright J. Wood W.L. Young vvvvvvv A CONFEDERATE SOLDIER'S PRAYER Author Unknown, (Attributed to a battle weary C.S.A soldier near the end of the war) I asked God for strength, that I might achieve; I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health, that I might do greater things; I was given infirmity, that I might do better things. I asked for riches, that I might be happy; I was given poverty, that I might be wise. I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men; I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God. I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life; I was given life, that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for. Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I am among all men most richly blessed.
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